Whatever curious and interesting subject strikes my fancy, be it silly or serious, gets posted for your reading pleasure.

Thursday 31 October 2019

When the World Gets a Hold of Your Darlings

Ah, the thrill of seeing something you have created out there in the world for all to enjoy - until you see what the world does once it gets a hold of it.

I wonder what the creative greats like Mozart or Tchaikovsky would have thought if they knew their masterpieces would one day be used as jingles selling everything from washing soap to dog food. 

 For instance, never in a million years would Beethoven had known let alone thought that 'Für Elise' would be used in the 1980s to advertise the greasy glory of fries and hamburgers to the point that every kid in America who wasn't taking piano lessons came to know the piece solely as 'The McDonald's Song'.

Remember that ad?  If you don't, I'm certainly getting old! 

(By the way, I found it on YouTube.  You're welcome.)  

Anyway ....

I'm no Mozart, but it seems writers suffer a similar fate.

We slave over our rough drafts and manuscripts, doing our best to turn out polished phrases, only to see  some of our cherished darlings, aka our quotations, morphed into other colourful mutant creations beyond our imagination once they have been released out into the big wide world.

Regarding my own quotes, I've found a few repurposed by whoever found them, thankfully, they are not all mutilated.  People have become pretty inventive with them!  (Or not.)

Below are a few that have either made me laugh as well as groan to the point I just HAD to save them.  I hope they amuse you too.

This picture with this quote - utter genius.    (Quote from Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

The next image below is a case of  'go home meme bot generator, you're drunk'.  

The quote is about the poetic spirit of the Eiffel Tower, and yet it has been plastered onto an image of an uninhabited wasteland, apparently by an AI program that doesn't deserve the 'I' for intelligence in its anagram.   *sigh!*    


This next quote is a favourite out there with the artists - here is an example of what they do to it:

(Also from Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

 Below, another case of "go home meme bot, you're drunk".

Thanks for sticking a quote about PARIS, FRANCE on a picture of VENICE, ITALY you dingbit!  Give this meme bot some geography lessons!

(Quote from Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

Next one, "Sesame Street" has turned into an urban jungle since I last saw the show.  LOL!

(Quote also from Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

Another case of a meme bot not having a clue - this quote of Faust, the man from the 1500s who sold his soul to devil for knowledge and power, stuck on a picture of a modern day weightlifter?

 Um....okay.  And, the bot cut out the last part of the quote too!

(Quote from Faust: My Soul be Damned for the World, Vol. 1)

Then, to find people translating your quotes into other languages.

The real quote should read: "Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they’re ratified into law.”(Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)
I hope their translator got it right in Japanese in the first place, I have no idea what these poor people actually read! 

Next one .....

Well, whoever the happy camper is sitting in the bathtub, she is not finding life fun or meaningful.

Next!  An unexpected comparison - one of my quotes from Brushstrokes ... with one about people who aren't too keen on their personal hygiene.

How about this mismatch between artistic minds and ... Australian wildlife?     (Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

Oooo!  Look out below!  Someone has given me a new name. 

You may now call me Eva.

Drum roll..... awesomeness coming up.....

 Wow, what a quote, and ---


 Nope, I didn't write this one!  I have no idea how my name got stuck with this.

Also, I have no idea why this next picture was stuck with this quote .....

"Mad Magazine" moment!

And, below, the meme bot strikes again ... 

Hacking devices mashed up with a shipwreck on a tropical beach?  Drunk meme bot has really gotten sloshed this time.  Obviously it got a hold of Jack Sparrow's rum stash.

Whoa - this one was a nice surprise - someone put a quote up somewhere in the Big Apple, I have no idea where, possibly a bookshop or café sidewalk board,  but when you've made it to coffee shop sign in NYC ... that's got to be some kinda milestone!  

This next one though was a real scream ........

What a mismatch!  Although, I have to say, this bizarre pairing with 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch seems strangely apropos with the next novel in the series, Vocation of a Gadfly

Finally, the last quote meme ..... drum roll please .....

(Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)   LOL!

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