Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Guess what everyone?

 Hi everyone!

Guess what?  I've figured out how to publish on KINDLE - so what's now on Kindle?

My two novels of course!

"BRUSHSTROKES of a GADFLY" - a biting tale of art and love in the Big Apple.

and the sequel,

 "VOCATION of a GADFLY" - creepy things happen here, things go bump in the night: if you want to jump straight into the scary stuff, this can be enjoyed as a stand-alone book.

Click on the titles for book info and the Kindle links!




Check out the rest of my books, click here.



  1. Hello,

    I was reading on your Great Monarch blog the post about St. Malachy's list of popes (I didn't see a way to comment over there) and wanted to point out that, in the Peter the Roman section, "in multis tribulationibus" can't be "into many tribulations" because it would have to be accusative. It's an ablative of time within which.

    That said, I love that blog and have been checking it periodically for many years. Thanks for all you do,


  2. Hi, glad you enjoy the blog. Even so, we have to question how well Pope Francis is 'feeding the sheep' during these tribulations. Unfortunately, the 'Rock of Rome' interpretation could still mean a stumbling block, an 'anti-Francis' who is knocking things down, and not holding them up on his shoulder and restoring things like St. Francis of Assisi did. See the prophecy attributed to St. Francis regarding the latter times. God Bless.
