Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The "Purple" Scapular of Benediction and Protection

I've recently been asked a few questions about the images on the "Purple" Scapular and also on the nature of the graces received through it as featured in the book "We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny" and thought it would be a great opportunity to write out a detailed Q and A style post to cover any and all questions for those seeking clarity on the Scapular.

All right, let's begin!

Q: Where did this Scapular come from and is this approved by the Catholic Church?

A:  The Scapular was shown in a vision on August 23, 1878 to the stigmatist and mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941).  The Scapular was shown to her resting on the Immaculate Heart of Mary.   Marie-Julie Jahenny was born on Coyault, but lived in La Fraudais, just a short distance north of Blain in Brittany France.  She was approved about three years before then by her local bishop in 1875, Bishop Fournier, bishop of Nantes.  
Before the new norms for determining the authenticity of mystics was released by the Vatican in July of 2024, a mystic or apparition did not not need direct approval from the Vatican, in fact, the Vatican rarely weighed in.  A local bishop's approval was recognized as universal official Church approval.  Any older rulings before 2024 are still in effect until otherwise noted by a new investigation under the new norms.  
Marie-Julie Jahanny as of yet has not yet been investigated under the new norms, and, she was never officially condemned by the Church.

Q: What's the story of the Scapular?  Why did Heaven reveal this relatively new scapular to the world?

A: It is Scapular was specially designed by Our Lord and Our Lady themselves, Our Lady said: "... for a long time my Son and I have had the desire to make known this scapular of benediction."

 First, to remind the faithful about various details of the Passion and Our Lady's Sorrows so that they may receive their due share of veneration, and second, to protect us during the coming chastisements, for the world is already being cleansed due to its manifold sins and corruption, and it is about to get worse.  Our Lady said: "This first apparition of this scapular will be a new protection for the times of the chastisements."


 Q: What are the exact words of the vision regarding this Scapular as revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny?

 A: From an ecstasy dated August 23, 1878:

The words of Marie-Julie Jahenny: “Here is what the Holy Virgin shows me on Her Immaculate Heart: it is a large scapular, larger than ordinary scapulars, a bit larger than the palm of a hand. It’s a beautiful purple, almost the colour of a violet. This is what is on it: in the middle, there are the three nails which crucified Our Lord on the Cross, they are all touching each other, not quite in the shape of the Cross and at the tip of each nail, there is a drop of vermilion blood. Above the nails heads, there is a sort of big sponge, with a bark that rises up, more or less like on oat husks. The three drops of blood come together, about to fall into a little chalice painted in red, and the chalice is surrounded by a crown of thorns, there are three little cross engraved on the front of this chalice. This is one side of the scapular, which the Blessed Virgin is wearing on her cloak.

I notice that this scapular is held in place by two violet-coloured straps which go over each shoulder, there are three knots on the left shoulder and two on the right one.

The other side (back) of the scapular portrays the Blessed Virgin Mary sitting down, holding her adorable Son in her arms, the mouth and head of Our Lord are laid against the heart of the Blessed Virgin. At the bottom of the scapular, and almost at Our Lord’s foot, there is an angel dressed in white, with curly hair, wearing a white crown on his head, and a red belt. He is holding in his hands a white cloth, with which he wipes Our Lord’s feet. Beside the angel, to the right of the scapular, there is a picture of a ladder. Behind Our Lord, to the left, there is the reed from the Passion painted in red, but there is no sponge. To the right, can be seen the tears of the Blessed Virgin which fall on Her breast, stopping at the Angel’s feet. There is a red border around the scapular and the straps are made of wool.

Now my dear child,” says the Blessed Virgin Mary to me, “let me give you the explanation of this scapular. I am addressing you, my victim and my servant. My children of the Cross, for a long time now, my Son and I have desired to make this scapular of benediction known. This scapular, my children, is made to all intents and purposes on my Heart, because my Heart is the emblem of simplicity and humility – hence the colour is violet. The nails that pierced the Feet and Hands of my Son are venerated very little and they merit veneration – that is why my Son, in His divine wisdom, has three nails painted on the front of the scapular. The three drops of Blood and the chalice represent generous hearts that collect the blood of my Divine Son. The red sponge will represent my Divine Son drinking, in a way, His children’s sins which, however, His adorable Mouth refuses. I desire that the background of the scapular be of a violet colour, but I would like the nails, the chalice, the sponge, and the crown to be on a piece of dark red flannel. This first appearance of this scapular will be a new protection for the time of chastisements, calamities and famines. All those who wear it will be able to pass through storms, tempests and darkness; they will have light as in broad daylight. This is the power of this unknown scapular.’

The Blessed Virgin Mary presents the scapular to Our Lord who says in His turn :

“I am addressing Myself to you, My victim, and also to My other victims and My servant, My children of the Cross. I want to reveal to you an idea, a profound thought – it is for this reason I have come now.

I wish to speak to you of the time when I was taken off the Cross and entrusted to My Mother – this descent, this matter for reflection, is a devotion, which is little known. By producing this scapular, I would like that these moments penetrate into the hearts of the children of the Cross, and that they would salute me by these three salutations:

“ I salute You, crucified Jesus, for granting me life.

I salute You with all the joy of the Angels and Saints during Your descent from the Cross.

I salute You with the sorrow of your Mother when You were placed on her Heart and on her Immaculate lap.”

My children, very few souls think of wiping the adorable Wounds of My Feet when the blood flows. I would like this representation of Me to be made known. Similarly, there are few who think of the tears shed by my Mother during My Passion; those tears are at the feet of the Angel who wipes My sacred Feet. By means of this scapular, I would like you to think of this ladder, this reed and those nails of My Passion.

My children, each soul, each person who possesses this scapular will see his family protected, his home will also be protected, first of all from fires which will never be able to penetrate inside. This scapular will strike down any ungrateful people who will blaspheme My Name in the house where it will be exposed. If an impious person enters the home, he will be struck with such strength that his conversion will not be long coming. All those who will wear it will be preserved from thunder, sudden death and accidents. During the chastisements they will be protected. Whoever will place it in the Holy Temple, (I.e. in a church), will ward off from there all the impious and any profanations.”

Our Lord adds again that by calling to mind this scapular to a stubborn soul at the hour of the death, it will awaken in the soul, faith and conviction. All those who will think of it and love it, will be spared affliction of the soul. All those who will wear it, will be safe from all danger, as if they were already in Heaven. Finally, this scapular will be a means of offsetting the blows of the just Divine Anger which thus, will not weigh down on souls.”

(Our Lord continues:)“Every priest can bless this scapular. When wearing this scapular, souls should pray 5 or 7 times the CRUX AVE and meditate from one to three minutes on My Holy Passion. I will grant great graces to those who would like to wear this holy habit.”



*) MEDITATION each day on the Passion of Our Lord for 1 to 3 minutes. Meditations should include in particular, the nails, the reed on which the sponge was placed, the bitterness of the sins Our Lord had to atone for, (represented by the sponge), Our Lord's descent from the cross via the ladder, the tears of Our Lady, especially during the 6th Sorrow when Our Lord's body was placed in her arms. Also, the Precious Blood that flowed from His Feet.

The Prayer to be said as part of this daily meditation:

I salute You, crucified Jesus, for granting me life.

I salute You with all the joy of the Angels and Saints during Your descent from the Cross.

I salute You with the sorrow of your Mother when You were placed on her Heart and on her Immaculate lap.”

*) The CRUX AVE Prayer, must be said 5 or 7 times (daily)

Note: there were two 'Crux Ave' prayers revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny during other ecstasies: it is not mentioned which one was intended to be said with the Scapular, so, it is best to say both:

1) “Crux Ave, spes Unica! Et Verbum caro factum est. Jesus, Vanquisher of death save us!”

  1. I hail thee, adorable cross of my Saviour. Guard us, keep us, save us! Jesus loved you so much. Following His example, I love you. By your holy image, calm our fears, that I feel only peace and confidence!”




The Promises of Our Lady:

This first appearance of this scapular will be a new protection for the time of chastisements, calamities and famines. All those who wear it will be able to pass through storms, tempests and darkness; they will have light as in broad daylight. This is the power of this unknown scapular.”

The Promises of Our Lord:

My children, each soul, each person who possesses this scapular will see his family protected, his home will also be protected, first of all from fires which will never be able to penetrate inside. This scapular will strike down any ungrateful people who will blaspheme My Name in the house where it will be exposed. If an impious person enters the home, he will be struck with such strength that his conversion will not be long coming. All those who will wear it will be preserved from thunder, sudden death and accidents. During the chastisements they will be protected. Whoever will place it in the Holy Temple, (I.e. in a church), will ward off from there all the impious and any profanations.”

Our Lord adds again that by calling to mind this scapular to a stubborn soul at the hour of the death, it will awaken in the soul, faith and conviction. All those who will think of it and love it, will be spared affliction of the soul. All those who will wear it, will be safe from all danger, as if they were already in Heaven. Finally, this scapular will be a means of offsetting the blows of the just Divine Anger which thus, will not weigh down on souls. (...) I will grant great graces to those who would like to wear this holy habit.”



 Q. Do the Scapulars need to be blessed?

A. *) FOR NOW, the SCAPULAR NEEDS TO BE BLESSED: There is no revealed investiture ceremony for this scapular, therefore, as Our Lord says “every priest may bless it”, we must assume this scapular must be blessed by a priest in order to gain the promised graces.

Q:  Is there a particular blessing that the priest needs to say over it? 

A: As far as I am aware, no.  There is no particular blessing that was revealed for it, and as it has not yet officially been made part of a religious order or confraternity, it would fall under the category of a 'private devotion' scapular, and so a special enrollment and blessing has not yet been formulated by the Church.  We can safely assume priests may use the regular blessing for sacramentals at the present time until the Church formally decides otherwise.

Q: If I need a new one because my old one has worn out, does the new one need to be blessed again?

A: For now, yes.  

Unlike the Brown Scapular, there is no confraternity or religious order yet associated with the Purple Scapular.  Enrolment in a confraternity means the person is blessed with the graces of the order, e.g. a Brown Scapular is a miniature version of the Carmelite habit so a replacement does not need to be blessed, but since the Purple Scapular is not part of an order yet, and has to be blessed as a regular sacramental, it is better to be on the safe side and have your  replacement Purple Scapular blessed. 

No doubt this Scapular will one day be associated with the religious order that will run the promised Sanctuary of the Cross that will be built on the site of Marie-Julie's cottage but until then, get your new one blessed.


Q: If I want to make my own, can I use just any material?

A: The directions are specific, so NO, one must keep to the directions regarding the materials and how it is to be made. 

* The main colour of the background of the Scapular (i.e the main two reactangle panels) must be violet purple and made of wool.

One must also adhere to the Church's ruling regarding the making of scapulars.

The Church has set conditions regarding the materials for the panels of large 'habit scapulars' connected with an order, and also the smaller scapulars according to the New Advent Website – so all SCAPULARS MUST BE OF WOVEN SHEEPS WOOL – i.e. woven wool cloth:

“The small scapulars consist essentially of two quadrilateral segments of woolen cloth (…) connected with each other by two strings or bands in such a manner that, when the bands rest on the shoulders, the front segment rests before the breast, while the other hangs down an equal distance at the back. (…) The material of these two essential parts of the scapular must be of woven wool.” (New Advent).

So, it is automatically to be understood the purple panels of the Scapular of Benediction and Protection must be of woven wool cloth, with no other fabric mixtures in the cloth. Our Lord described the Purple Scapular as a "holy habit", so it must have the same conditions as a habit-scapular, it must be of wool. 
IMPORTANT NOTE about  'wool felt' and 'felted wool' - do not confuse the two. Both are different!  Wool felt is a material made of wool fibers mashed together but is NOT woven. The Church says we must use woven wool.  'Felted wool' on the other hand is woven wool that has been 'fuzzed up' to look like felt, but it IS woven and can be used.
 Basically, if the wool is 'fuzzy' like felt, make sure it is the WOVEN kind and not just mashed up fibers.

 * The main cloth / rectangular parts must be slightly larger than the palm of the hand.

2nd UPDATE - INFO ABOUT THE STRAPS (Oct. 11, 2020): the vision specifically said the straps are to be of violet wool, basically matching the back of the Purple Scapular as much as possible.  There are to be three knots over the left shoulder, and two knots over the right.   There is confusion as to whether or not the strap material may be changed as the Church has declared the smaller scapulars do not have to have wool straps.  HOWEVER, considering the colour of the straps is stipulated in the vision to Marie-Julie along with unique  knots, and, as Marie-Julie says this scapular is bigger than normal small scapulars, and, has special Passion prayer devotions attached, this sets it apart from the other smaller scapulars, so it is apparent the wool detail of the Purple Scapular straps is important, similar to the Red Passion Scapular and the Five Fold Scapular in that these other two have a specific colour attached.  The Red Passion Scapular was given in a vision to Sr. Louise-Apolline Andriveau in 1846 with very specific details and approved in 1857 by the Church. The Red Passion Scapular straps MUST be made of red wool, for unlike the small scapulars, the Church did not change this detail regarding the wool as given in the vision.    The Purple Scapular is also a 'Passion' scapular, and considering the unique details given about it like the Red Passion Scapular, it is obvious Heaven wished this Scapular to be set apart and the woolen strap detail retained.

After searching online, I discovered there are French and Italian companies making woven wool ribbons / straps, and the weave looks very much like that on the Purple Scapulars sold in France, so it appears that the convent in France making them for the  'Marie Julie Association' and elsewhere  have either found a company making wool ribbons, or, they have had them custom made.  In all, the are making them according to the exact directions as given in the vision to Marie-Julie Jahenny regarding the wool detail similar to the Red Passion scapular.   
 If you want to make your own Purple scapulars, you can try and source wool woven ribbons, OR, you can use the same woven wool material used for the main panels of the Purple Scapular by cutting out long strips as the wool in a scapular must be woven.  
 *The symbols of the sponge, the chalice and the drops of Blood from the nails on the front must be 'painted' in red, on a dark red flannel panel. Marie-Julie said the design was 'painted' - she did not simple say the design was red, she also mentioned 'painted'. So, this also means the material and the type of work, it must be painted. meaning paint or pant-like ink applied - the picture should not be made with embroidery. 

It could be hand-done, you can use a brush or sponge the design in with the help of a stencil. (In this case, it is easier to paint all the Passion symbols on the front in red.)  
 The main point is the Passion symbols be applied onto the flannel material like a painting, and not embroidered. 
Screen printing is applying the image with ink,so that might work too.
The symbols must match the description in the vision.  Our Lady: "I desire that the end of the scapular, be of violet, (the background), but I desire that the nails, the chalice, the sponge and the crown be on a piece of dark red flannel."
(UPDATE Feb. 2025: flannel was originally made from wool and carded yarn, if you can find 100% wool flannel, it would be great, but, even I am finding it impossible to find 100% pure wool flannel, at the most I can find a 70% wool flannel.  Our Lady did say she wanted 'flannel' for this part, and since Heaven does not demand the impossible, the Church has said it is the essential parts of a scapular that need to be pure woven wool, i.e. the main rectangle parts that hang in front in back, so if you can only find a flannel wool mix for the dark red part, this should be acceptable as long as the purple part of the Scapular is pure woven wool.)

*The image of the Pietá must be as close to the description of the vision as much as possible. However, there is no specification to the material this image must be on, so this could be printed or painted on any material, cotton, wool, etc.  Since this is a very detailed image, handpainting this would make production close to impossible, and Heaven doesn't make things impossible.   Printing the image on iron on T-shirt transfers are an idea - it appears the convent in France that first started making these has used this idea.  Sew them on as well for extra support.

* The Scapular must be edged in red, (although what type of material that edge should be is not specified.)

Q: What if the images fade from wear and tear, especially the painted parts? What do I do?

A:  If they are just faded a bit, like the tiny little crosses on the chalice tend to fade, and you can still make out the image, they are still okay.  However, if you are having big trouble seeing what all the symbols are, or they are gone entirely, then it's definitely time to repair them or get a new scapular.

As a judge of how 'faded' they have to be for this to ensure you still receive the Blessings, there doesn't seem to be a ' rule'- I suggest using the rule applied to most sacramentals and priest vestments:  for instance, if a set of Rosary beads with a Papal Blessing is missing half its beads, then it's considered not fit for purpose and the blessing is no longer on the set.  If a set of Mass vestments go threadbare and look really worn, then they must be replaced to be fit for the august service of the altar.  So, if the images are really damaged or practically gone on your Purple Scapular, or, if the straps have really frayed to bits, I'd suggest repairing them, or getting a new one since the symbols and straps are important. 

In fact, prevention is better than cure: cover the squares of your Scapular with clear plastic wrap of some kind if you can to prevent damage happening to the delicate details. 

To repair the paint part in front with the Passion symbols: print off a picture of the Purple Scapular, carefully cut out the symbols with a razor blade and use the print as a stencil, or if you're artistically inclined, do your best to paint them in by hand with a very tiny brush. 

For the back image of the Pieta: there is no stipulation saying this image has to be on cloth.  You can use T-shirt transfers, etc.

If the images had to be repaired, or a new strap put on, etc., I'd suggest having your Scapular re-blessed as it is not part of a confraternity yet.  


Q: Where Can I Buy the Scapulars?

  Here are the best places I know of.  Please note: The majority of the Scapulars at the moment are made in a convent in France, so as they need to be shipped from Europe first expect them to be pricey, especially as they require more material and are more detailed than most scapulars.  (And no, I make nothing promoting these sites, I'm just sharing info!)
NOTE: I DO NOT recommend buying the Scapulars from Amazon, or Etsy, or other online shops UNLESS you are ABSOLUTELY SURE they are made properly and are the right size! 
 For instance there are scapulars on Amazon that DO NOT HAVE woolen straps, and the straps must be of wool.  Some scapulars there are also made using non-woven wool, and the wool MUST BE woven for it to be made in accordance with Church rules on scapulars.  Etc.  Some people think it is cute to make them small like 'regular' scapulars, but they are not following the vision in that the Purple Scapular must be bigger than the others, they must be slightly larger than the size of the palm of a person's hand, so yes, they are meant to be bigger!  Some people are even making them with  the wrong colors on the symbols!

They MUST be RECTANGLE - no oval or circle shapes.  The straps MUST be wool and violet (violet purple)- no satin or grosgrain ribbons, or similar changes
 I repeat, people are also making 'small' scapulars - avoid these!  They MUST be slightly larger than the palm of a hand, which is why this scapular is larger than others.

The Colors must be exact: The symbols of the sponge, the chalice and the drops of Blood from the nails on the front must be 'painted' in RED, on a dark red flannel panel (No gold chalices, or white sponges, or other colors that deviate from the color specified for these particular objects, etc.  I see quite a lot of these online.  No embroidery either.)    
Avoid 'frilly' edges made with pinking shears, i.e that jig jag shape we see on some scapulars as a 'decoration' - the Church has traditionally taught that scapulars should not have over embellishments like that on them, or lace edges, etc.  People are taking too many artsy liberties with the outside edges of scapulars these days. The rectangle edges should be plain straight. 
 If you are a Purple Scapular maker and wish to be listed here, you MUST make the Scapulars exactly according to the instructions and specification of the Church regarding woven wool, etc.

*****  This list I KNOW are made properly according to the instructions of Marie-Julie: is based in the USA but will ship overseas. Also has the 'Cross of Pardon' and the medal of 'Our Lady of Bonne Garde' to protect faith and purity shown to Marie-Julie Jahenny.  

2) St. Michael's store:
They also have the medal of 'Our Lady of Bonne Garde' shown to Marie-Julie, click here for th medal.  Also, the Cross of Pardon (Forgiveness), click here.

3) Gift Shop of Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry:

 I believe this order is connected with Fr. Ripperger.

4) The Leaflet Missal - Catholic Company

5) CatholiCity:  (UPDATE August 19, 2021) --     This site has just informed they were finally able to find 100% woven wool for their scapulars, which is the one problem they had, so their scapulars are NOW made according to the instructions.

6) The Seller "15Decades" on Etsy sells handmade, hand dyed wool Purple Scapulars:
(IMPORTANT NOTE - the "15Decades" seller, DeniseMariaTeresa list above, is the ONLY Scapular maker from ETSY I recommend right now regarding the Purple Scapular as she is making them correctly.  She will also ship overseas.
    The other sellers on there are NOT making them properly, for instance the other sellers are using just plain felt of unwoven wool with smashed fibres and therefore not acceptable.  If they are using wool that looks like felt, it must be woven felted wool -- the Church specifies the fabric must be woven, NOT the plain smashed fibres.   Also, the other sellers that are not making them properly do not have the proper knots  in the straps, or the straps are not wool like they should be, and it looks like the Passion symbols are not on real red flannel, etc.  If you see a Purple Scapular listed on Etsy, Ebay or Amazon, PLEASE CHECK DETAILS or CONTACT THE SELLER IF YOU ARE NOT SURE!) 

8) - shop based in Australia - also has the 'Cross of Pardon' and the medal of Our Lady of Bonne Garde to protect faith and purity shown to Marie-Julie Jahenny.
9) Chiré - online sacramental shop in France, click here, NOTE: I haven't shopped with them, so I don't know how safe they are to shop with, shop at your own risk.  Also the site is in French.  You will need to read French for this shop, but they do carry the correctly made Scapulars.

Reminder, I am advising DO NOT BUY FROM AMAZON, ETSY OR EBAY with the exception of the sellers listed here.  I've discovered other sellers are making them from wool felt that is not woven, the Church says the wool whether plain wool or felted wool must be WOVEN.  Sellers are using just plain unwoven wool felt, and blended wool straps, the straps must be FULL WOOL according to the vision. CHECK WITH THE SELLERS and WATCH PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS.  
 If you wish to be listed here, you MUST make the Scapulars exactly according to the specification of the Church regarding woven wool, and 100% wool straps according to the instruction of the vision, etc.

(!!!) Word of Advice: this is sad to say, but I also do NOT recommend shopping on the online site run by the "Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association" in France -  their site has glitches, people have placed orders and paid for items and never received them.  Also, the Association never seems to answer e-mails anymore, so it will be difficult if next to impossible to sort out the problem or get your money back should the order go wrong.   Some people said they ordered and things were okay, but other people have told me they've lost money over their site -  so I wouldn't recommend it.  Shop on their site at your own risk.


Q. There is a Web Site Called “Our Lady's Resistance” that says Marie-Julie Jahenny is not approved and neither is the Purple Scapular. They give a list of reasons why the Scapular is false, such as it is an attempt to replace the Black Scapular of the Passion, also, that Our Lady is missing a halo and the picture is ugly, which make it fake. What is your reponse to this?

A. First of all, they obviously have no idea that Marie-Julie Jahenny was indeed approved by her local bishop in 1875, Bishop Fournier of Nantes, and that a representative of the Vatican Commision who was monitoring her case performed an excorcism over her and declared what was happening to her was indeed SUPERNATURAL – meaning from Heaven.

Since “Our Lady's Resistance” does not know she is approved, they are therefore trying to descredit everything shown to her. The fact that the depiction of Our Lord and Lady are missing 'halos' on the Purple Scapular is a very weak foundation to descredit the Scapular!

Our Lady appeared with no halo, or even a veil when revealing the Green Scapular, she appeared with her hair flowing, no halo. That hasn't stopped anyone from wearing it, and, the Church has approved the Green Scapular.

RE: about the argument that the Purple Scapular is a ruse to turn purple away from the Black Scapular of the Passion, saying that the color purple of the new scapular is meant to cancel out the black representing the death of Christ on the other. This is rubbish. If 'Our Lady's Resistence' had read up on the Purple Scapular they would have seen that the color violet purple was chosen by Heaven to represent the virtue of HUMILITY: the humility of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart and the humility of Christ. It in no way does it cancel out a completely different scapular. And, there's nothing stopping you from wearing both! So there is no issue of scapulars 'cancelling' each other out. In fact, the Church has a huge list of scapulars-the Brown, White, Red, the Black, St. Michaels, St. Joseph's, the Five Fold Sacpular, etc, you can wear as many as you like, or think your shoulders can hold!

Also, their comments on Our Lady's clothes sounds like an art critique, saying they are ugly because they are 'off color' and the cloak is 'ugly'. That is only their opinion on the art, and that is not a valid reason to discredit the Scapular.

I have tried to contact the 'Our Lady's Resistance' site to tell them that Marie-Julie Jahenny is approved and to please correct their information, but I have received no answer. I have a feeling the name of their site is apt - they are 'resisting' Our Lady. 
UPDATE New Question
Q.  Have you seen the recent video by Dr. Mark Miravalle against the Purple Scapular and the visions Marie-Julie?  If so, what is your response to it?
 A. Recently, Dr. Mark Miravalle has issued a YouTube video with several accusations against the visions of Marie-Julie Jahenny and the Purple Scapular. ("Purple Scapular - Serious Concerns", c. July 2023)  I would not have known about this video at all were it not for the concerned people contacting me for my response to such an attack on her. I watched the video, and, it was hard to sit through. He has taken information out of context, and even left out important information to where his observations are inaccurate and in some cases cringe-worthy coming from a theologian. Therefore, I have recently posted a defence of Marie-Julie and her visions in accordance to the various objections he raised. You can read my response by clicking the link below:


So far, that's all the questions I have received or can think of.  

If there is something not answered here, leave your question in the comments and I'll do my best to answer it!

Also, if you have received a miracle or grace through this Scapular, please share it in the comment section below!  


(Find out more about Marie-Julie Jahenny, click here.)


  1. Is there any special prayer for blessing the scapular?

    1. According to the published texts, a particular blessing prayer for the Purple Scaplar was not revealed. Therefore, the regular blessing for a sacramental should be fine. However, if you can find one of the old blessings in Latin for sacramentals - so much the better!

  2. Just bought several purple scapulars for myself and my family. They were blessed today by a local priest and I currently have mine hanging in my room!

  3. I received 2 Scapulars from the site you suggested. The prayers you stated are different than what is provided on the paper that came with it. The brochure states:
    O Cross Ave
    I hail you, I adore you, I embrace you, oh adorable Cross of my Savior. Protect us, keep us, save us. Jesus loved you so much, by His example, I love you. By Your holy image calm my fears, so that I may only feel peace and confidence.

    This prayer confuses me because it seems to divinize the cross. I pray it five times, not in Latin because it doesn’t say that’s a requirement. Can you help me better understand?

    Like this prayer, the other one is different:
    I hail Thee Jesus Christ, to let me live.
    I hail Thee with all the joy of the angels and of the Saints on bringing Thee down from the Cross.
    I hail Thee with all the sorrow of Thy Mother when Thou rested on her Immaculate Heart and on Her lap.

    So, what are you thought on the differences? Should I pray yours or what is sending out?


    1. Hi – (I meant to update the info on this page). There were actually two 'Crux Ave' prayers revealed to Marie-Julie, however, from what I can tell, Our Lord didn't specify which one was to be said, so it is best and safer to say both. Page has now been updated with both 'Crux Ave' prayers.

      The two 'Crux Ave' prayers – they're the ones that have to be said 5-7 times.

      The “Crux Ave, spes unica, et verbo caro factum est' part of the first prayer was given in Latin, so it is obvious Heaven wishes that part to be said in Latin.

      “I Hail Thee, Jesus” is also a prayer that must be said with the Purple Scapular, so that would be three different prayers in all.

      (Since they were originally revealed in French, the English translations might differ a bit. It's hard to get certain expressions sounding 'right' in English from the French.)

      About the prayer to the cross – from what I can read, it is a 'personification' of the Cross as the 'spouse' of Christ as God chose that way for our salvation and therefore there is no separating Him from it.

      There is an old prayer dating from the 1500s that also address the Cross like a person, “Prayer Found Under Christ's Sepulchre” also, the traditional prayer “Hail, Holy Cross, Our Strength” also praises the Cross itself as if addressing it, St. Andrew's Prayer “O Good Cross” also addresses the cross, and so does the prayer “Save Me, O Holy Cross” so it is not unheard of.

      (You can find some of these prayers here:

      Marie-Julie referred to the Cross as the spouse of Christ, similar to the Church being called the Bride of Christ. It is a prayer that is also meant to remind us meditation-wise that there is no salvation without the Cross, Christ comes with the cross. As Christ is united with His Church like a Bride, He is also united to the Cross. So, we are actually praying to Christ indirectly as the Bridegroom of the Cross if we address the cross personification-style as His Spouse. Marie-Julie's mission was to spread devotion to the Cross, and she was told there is no true love of Christ or salvation without the cross and that those who have the most crosses are the special friends of God.

      Of interest, the mystic Sr. Josefa Menendez was once shown a luminous cross, and wondered why Our Lord was not visible on it as a corpus, or simply there in person with the cross and she was told 'Where I am, the cross is - and where the cross is, I am.”

      I hope this helps.

  4. NOTICE: Where you can get the Scapular -

    That question is answered in the post above. If people keep asking this in the comments, I'll have to delete the request to remove clutter on the page as the question is already answered above. Thank you!

  5. As a priest blesses this is there a traditional pray of blessing for this scapular?
    He cant just say I bless this in the name of the Trinity, so if you know of a good prayer that I can give my priest it would be helpful...Thank

    1. Hi - I've added and answered your question above under the question 'Can Any Priest Bless it?'

  6. Can I get the exact requirements and dimensions for the scapular? I am in a position to possibly start producing some in the US. I will be talking with our priest about it prior to moving forward. I have the information posted above, but want to be sure it is exactly made to the specifications. Thank you

    1. Hey, this is great news! According to the Scapular that is out now: the violet wool panels are about 3 and half inches wide, and 4 inches long. The front red flannel panel with the symbols of the Passion is about 2 and half inches wide and about 3 and a quarter inches long. So is the back panel with the image of the Sorrowful mother, (yes the picture of Our Lady hangs down the back.) . The straps are about 20 inches long, maybe an extra inch or two to allow making the knots in the shoulders and for enough length to sew the straps securely into the panels. Note, the strap knots: the three knots go over the left shoulder, two on the right. The red ribbon border can be figured out once you have your panels cut. Hope this helps. God Bless the work!

    2. I would love to purchase a few of these. Everywhere that was listed are out of stock.. So hard to find

    3. My brother a preist can blesa anything delicious. My priest blessed mine.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry, a priest can bless anything religious. Well of our religion. I have one and a priest blessed it.

  8. NOTICE!!! PLEASE STOP ASKING WHERE TO BUY THE SCAPULARS - the answer is already provided in the article with a list of reputable online shops.

    I will remove any future questions asking where they may be bought. Thank you.

  9. could this sorrowful mother side be embroidered and still follow the rules?

    the red side states painted red so that is a no

    also on the red side the phrasing seems to point to only the blood and the chalice being red instead of everything, is this a lost in translation thing or something else

  10. Hi - about the Pieta image being embroidered: possibly, however, the reed in the picture is described as being 'painted in red', so I am assuming it must be a drawing at least-hence I think the reason people stick to iron on transfer for the image as a drawing, and, as it would be too difficult to hand paint the Pieta on each individual scapular, etc. Heaven doesn't place impossibilities on us! About the Passion symbols in red: use, 'painted' is defintely used there. The blood drops, the chalice, and the sponge need to be in red, that is in the decription, but since it is easier to just paint the whole thing in red, that is what people usually do.

  11. Do you know where I can find a primary source for the bishop's letter of approval? Is the text available online anywhere? Also, I've been trying to find a primary source for the August 23rd, 1878 ecstasy that's always cited on pages talking about this scapular. I couldn't find it in your book, so I'm trying to figure out where the text of the ecstasy came from. Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it :)

    1. Note, she has been approved under a 'tacit approval' from Bishop Fournier - he believed everything was supernatural, and, this tacit approval of her has not been officially revoked. The letter was printed in the 'Marquis' de Franquerie's book 'The Breton Stigmatist'- and also on the Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny's Association in France.

      More info here with the quotation from the letter, (plus debunking the claim she is not approved, the Diocese of Nantes only recently issued a 'caution' with regards to her texts as they weren't written by her personally, similar to the situation with Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick):

      The info (full text about the Purple Scapular is on p. 582 of "We Are Warned". It is taken straight from the 'Friends of Marie-Julie Jahenny Association' in France who have the original text.

  12. NOTICE: if you are making Purple Scapulars and want to be listed here on this page-they MUST be made according to the directions of the vision AND the directions of the Church. Which means:

    1) The purple wool panels MUST BE WOVEN WOOL - if you use felt wool, it MUST BE THE WOVEN KIND. Plain 'mashed' felt as used in crafts, etc is NOT the correct material according to the Church. Also, the convent in France that first started making these also uses traditional WOOL FLANNEL for the red panel. (Flannel was traditionally WOOL before synthetic fibres were invented.)

    2) Straps must be WOOL, and as the Church states the wool on a scapular mut be woven, the convent is using woven wool straps. If you can't make or find these, you can use strips of the woven wool material used for the back panels. The Church also states no crochet type work is allowed on a scapular, so that means no knit or crochet stitch. The proper knots also have to be there - two knots on the right shoulder strap, three on the left.

    3) The Passion symbols on the red panel must be PAINTED on. (The Passion symbols go to the front of the scapular, the Pieta image on the back).

    If you are making Purple Scapulars and they follow the exact directions, I'll be happy to list you. But please contact me through my e-mail at:


    PLEASE DO NOT just drop a link to your shop or site without letting me know they are made exactly according to ihe instructions. I in good conscience cannot recommend them otherwise. Such links will be removed. Thank you.

  13. Hi, I initially saw Douglas Darnowski's name mentioned here, through whom we can purchase the purple scapulars. I don't see it now. Are the scapulars made by him not authentic ?

    1. Hi, yes, unfortunately I received information that he might be using plain felt wool , not woven as the Church directs. I've had to remove his listing for now until I receive verification from him he is using the right materials.

  14. I have the association (the French) version of this scapular and it looks like they are also using high quality felt like what is available on ETSY scapulars. Also I have looked all over to find a 100% woven wool in purple and the closest i have found was whily cloth (90% wool 10% nylon). 3 people have told me that a 100% woven wool, that is not a coating material, does not exist in the industry. I have also found suppliers for several main agencies of the church using blended (not 100% wool) felt material for all the scapulars they make. I am trying to source this but wool straps especially from the US and this WOVEN hiccup is just impossible. I feel like the felt of the past was far inferior to the felt of today. also if you have touched the 100% merino wool felt (43 dollars a yard) it is solid, durable, and untearable. obviously, there is school grade and cheaper felts which imo are not up to par with quality of a sacramental item, but I do feel like felt falls into a grouping of woven products based on the definition of woven.

    1 to interlace (threads, yarns, strips, fibrous material, etc.) so as to form a fabric or material.

    1 cross or be crossed intricately together; interweave.
    2 mingle or intersperse something with.

    1 weave or become woven together.
    2 blend closely.

    I would definitely take pointers on sourcing wool straps that aren't 2.70 a yard and 6 weeks away. I have tried making ICORD (12 yards of size 4 per strap) but my volume constantly runs me into supply issues. Currently I sell cloth strap version and plan to have a wool version.

  15. On another note I am making a pamphlet for my scapulars and I am trying to decide what important information should go on them. I am thinking the explanation of the items in the vision (the ladder, the spear, the sponge, ect), the 2 prayers since they are very short, and the promises. MAYBE a narrative of who Marie-Julie Jahenny was if i have room.

    I am working with a 3.5 x 5 inch card, which fits just right in the 4x6 jewelry boxes i ship in.

    I read some where that you are suppose to write your name on a small piece of paper and swallow it as part of the prayer but i cant find this info again, is this accurate? or maybe it is part of something else. I would like to incorporate this if it is.

    thank you for any help or insight you can give

    1. Hi. Many ETSY sellers have admitted using only the plain unwoven felt to cut costs, which is not permitted. Also, a seller admitted their straps are not wool, another admits using only a wool blend, when the directions of the visions say WOOL. (Many of these same people are also selling on Amazon, Ebay.) Unless the Holy Office in Rome makes a concession regarding the straps and other materials, we cannot change what is directed by the Church and the vision. Either woven wool straps must be sourced, or, using woven wool to make the straps.
      I have purchased the Purple Scapular a few times from a shop that sources theirs from France, obviously the same one that the 'Marie-Julie Association' uses and it is the exact same one displayed on their site. They are using WOVEN WOOL FELT, and woven wool straps. I've nearly pulled my new scapular apart to check, and yes, there is a very fine warp and weft, meaning it is woven, not plain felt. If the woven wool is felted, it's harder to see, but a warp and weft is there, you have to look. The Church itself specifies WOVEN WOOL must be used for a habit-scapular, which Our Lord says the Purple Scapular is.
      In Europe it's possible to get 100% wool. I've even had another seller say they've sourced 100% wool. I even seen 100% Marino wool advertised on Amazon. Wool coat material is fine for a scapular as long as it's 100% woven wool. Of course, trying to find the violet colour is the problem, but it is part of the directions, and so must be stuck to. I know you want a good quality material, but you'll have to find what you can in the purple colour. I know, this is hard to make. The convent in France has a better time of it as it's easier to source materials like that as sewing is big here in Europe, and, there is a company in France and also Italy that specialises in woven wool straps. The nuns may have custom ordered purple ones, that is what I am guessing. So, it's going to be hard to make. I can't deny that.

    2. About what to put on instructions: if you can fit a shor bio of Marie-Julie, that would be nice, but defintely the whole text of the vision regarding the Scapular. (I've had to chop and interject observations through it above to try and explain all the promises and directions.) You can find the unaltered text on pp. 582-585 of "We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny". And yes, the 'Hail' Salutation prayer and the TWO 'Cruz Ave Prayers' are part of the devotion - sometimes only one 'Crux Ave' is given in leaflets with the Scapular, when there are 2 Crux Ave prayers that were revealed to Marie-Julie. They are both listed above in this post.

      About the prayer you swallow - yes, that is part of the revelations of Marie-Julie: you can find a link to it and the other chastisement remedies here ,

      but it is also in the book.

      I hope this helps.

  16. Can an ordained Catholic deacon bless these scapulars?

    1. Apparently, an ordained deacon can bless certain devotional objects listed in the 'Book of Blessings' if he has been granted the authority to do so, etc. but personally, I'd rather go to a priest.

  17. Hello, thank you for this very detailed article. After receiving two batches of scapulars made to the wrong specification I'd like to make these myself but can't find the back image to print onto a t-shirt transfer. Do you know where I can find it? All the scapulars I have seen online seem to have the exact same painting!

    Any tips on how to print the image onto a t-shirt transfer? (I've never made crafts before...)

    Sorry if you have answered this already and I missed it.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi. (I've never made them either, so this is a best guess). You'd have to find a good image of the Purple Scapular online, save it to file, and make a Photoshop copy of the image, plus resize it to the right measurements if the graphic online is too big or small, etc. As to printing it onto a cloth transfer of some kind, I have no idea how to do that - you might have to look up the info online. There are special material transers you can get for your printer I think, but I'm not sure. You might be able to find a print shop online that would do it, but I think many shops expect bulk orders, so you'd have to be ready for a bigger order of the images (just do your homework on print shops that do transfers). If you're not sure how to do this, and considering the details these need, perhaps it might be an idea to get some correctly made scapulars from the shop list above.

  18. I’ve seen 100 percent cashmere scarves in violet colour and wondered if they were cut up could they be used? I don’t t know if they were woven but they didn’t look knitted.

    1. No, because cashmere is goat hair, not sheep's wool. The wool must be sheep's wool. Also, cashmere scarves could be very finely knitted, it may look woven, but it may not be.

    2. Many thanks-you’re right of course, about cashmere not being from a sheep. It’s so hard to source exactly the correct materials. I wonder why compromises are not allowed, especially as the spirit of making them yourself is well intentioned. Maybe Our Lady isn’t as exacting as we think, and will accept our feeble efforts as She must have great powers of understanding. I made a scapular yesterday but probably not one bit of it is “ correctly “ put together! I’m having it blessed anyway.

  19. there is a site, fiatreligiousimports, would you know if their scapulars are made to specifications? they are on amazon

    1. Could you provide a link to the actual product? This particular company is not showing up in my searches.

    2. IF it's the one on eBay, they don't look to be. You could message them and ask what materials they used for the purple panels, violet straps, and the red image. This is the only place I could find the name you referred to fiatreligiousimports.
      Blessings to you! DeniseMariaTeresa

    3. Hi Denise - judging from the pictures, it doesn't look right, more like the smashed felt, not woven, and the ribbons certainly don't have the right knots in them. I see other sellers selling this one too, so I think they just import and sell them from 'someone' else and wouldn't really know if they were made properly. >There are some people who will sell it at any cost and will tell you 'yes it's made properly!' when it isn't. So, I just find it best to warn people, and stick to the links I've provided to be sure.

    4. I agree EABucchianeri, I agree 100%. Blessings to you! Denise

  20. Hello,
    Is it acceptable to wear a smaller version of the purple scapular that has been made to the specifications except for the size? The big one seems to be too big to wear for daily use.


  21. From what I know, it MUST be according to the revelation...which clearly states that it was a little larger than the palm of a hand. I've seen them made smaller than the palm of a hand and that does not go along with the actual revelation. These are made to generate income and please those that want it smaller, but it cannot be so. I understand the desire to have a smaller one, but we have to follow the revelation. It must be made completely according to the revelation. Lenten Blessings to you! DeniseMariaTeresa

  22. +JMJ+
    Hi there EABucchianeri!
    Just a quick FYI note...I found out HOW to determine if a fabric is actually 100% WOOL. We already know how to check the side of the fabric for the WEFT, to determine if it is actually WOVEN and not wool felt.
    To determine if a fabric is 100% WOOL, the "Bleach Test" can be done on a piece of the fabric...even a very small piece. I took a piece of what I was told was 100% wool and I wanted to be certain. Place the fabric into a lidded jar with pure chlorine bleach, just enough to cover the fabric and close the lid. Let this sit overnight undisturbed. IF the wool IS 100% Wool it will have COMPLETELY dissolved. IF it is not dissolved at all, it is synthetic. If it is partially dissolved, looks only damaged, it is a blend...the bleach dissolved the actual wool and left the synthetic material.
    The wool fabric and wool straps I've been using are definitely 100% wool. I tested fabric and straps from a new avenue where I will be purchasing materials and those too are 100% wool.

    Lenten Blessings to you!
    Denise Maria Teresa ^_^

  23. Thank you, E.A. Bucchianeri for providing all the detailed information of the Purple Scapular. It must have been a labor of love. My question is, what does the ladder represent on the scapular? If I overlooked that information here, please forgive me. Thank you and be blessed.

    1. Hi Connie - Our Lord wanted us to meditate on His descent from the cross and when His Body was placed in the arms of His mother, this is reflected in the prayer we have to say as part of the meditation:

      " I salute You, Jesus crucified, for granting me life.
      I salute You with all the joy of the Angels and Saints during Your descent from the Cross.
      I salute You with the sorrow of your Mother when You were placed on her Heart and on her Immaculate lap.”

      - the ladder is part of this representation.

      God Bless
