For centuries several
saints and mystics of the Catholic church have foretold that
the world would enter a period of darkness, evil would abound, and
that the practise of the true Faith would be eclipsed when an
extravagant anti-church would arise had supplant for a time all the
ancient traditions of the Catholic church as they were once
However they also
foretold this period of darkness would be put to flight by the
arrival of a Great Catholic Monarch together with an Angelic Pontiff
who would arrive amidst wars and tribulations to restore Christendom
and establish an Age of Peace that would last for about 30 to 40
years. The Great Monarch will be crowned the Last Holy Roman Emperor and restore the downtrodden monarchies of
Europe, republics will be wiped out. Heresies would disappear, mass
conversions will take place, all Christians would be untied in the
One True Church led by the Angelic Pontiff. It will be the greatest
period the Catholic Church will experience before the final
persecutions of the Antichrist followed by the Second Coming of
Christ. (Image: Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire.)
In fact, a few mystics
have revealed that this plan of restoring the earth is so pleasing to
God, that one could determine whether or not a person was in complete
union with God's Will, and therefore a predestined soul, or a
reprobate determined to follow Satan's path on how they accepted this
plan or laughed it to scorn.
St. Francis of Paola
the Wonder Worker (1416-1507) was adamant on this subject:
"I know that
unbelieving and reprobate persons will scoff at my letters and will
reject them (his prophecies of the Great Monarch) ; but they will be
received by those Catholic souls who aspire to the possession of
heaven. These letters shall infuse such sweetness of divine love in
their hearts that they will be delighted in perusing them often and
in taking copies of them because such is the will of the Most High.
In these letters it will be found out who belongs to Our Blessed
Lord Jesus Christ and who does not, who is a predestinate or a
reprobate. Much will this be known through the holy sign of the
living God. He shall be a Saint of God who will take it, love it,
and wear it.”
Below is St. Paola's lenghty letter to the Lord of Monalto:
“From your Lordship (i.e.,
addressing Simeon de Limena, Lord of Monalto) shall be born
the great leader of the holy
militia of the Holy Spirit shall overcome the world, and shall
possess the
earth so completely that no
king or lord shall be able to exist, except that he belongs to the
host of the Holy Ghost.
These devout men shall wear on their breasts, and much more within
their hearts, the sign of the living God, namely, the Cross. (…)
The first members of this holy order shall be natives of the city
where iniquity, vice and sin abound. However, they shall be converted
from evil to good; from rebels against God they shall become most
fervent and most faithful in His divine service. That city
shall be cherished by God and by the Great Monarch, the elect and the beloved of the Most High
Lord. For the sake of that place all holy souls who have done penance
in it shall pray in the sight
of God for that city and its inhabitants. When the time shall come of
the immense and most right
justice of the Holy Spirit, His Divine Majesty wills that such city
become converted to God, and that
many of its citizens follow the great prince of the holy army. The
first person that will openly wear
the sign of the living God shall belong to that city, because he will through a letter be
commanded by a holy hermit to have it impressed upon his heart and to
wear it externally on his breast.
That man will begin to meditate on the secrets of God, about
the long visitation which the
Holy Spirit will make and the dominion that he will exercise over the world through the holy
militia. O! happy man, who shall receive from the Most High the
greatest privileges! He will
interpret the hidden secrets of the Holy Ghost, and he shall often
excite the admiration of men by his
revealed knowledge of the internal secrets of their hearts. Rejoice,
my Lord, because that Prince
above other princes, and King over other kings, will hold you in the greatest veneration, and
after having been crowned with three most admirable crowns, will
exalt that city, will declare it
free, and the seat of the Empire, and it shall become one of the
first cities in the world. (…)
You and
your consort desire to have children: you shall have them. (Addressed to Lord Monalto) Your holy offspring shall be admired
upon earth. Among your descendants there will be one who shall be
like the sun amidst the stars; He
shall be a first-born son; in his childhood he will be like a saint;
in his youth, a great sinner; then
he will be converted entirely to God and will do great penance; his
sins will be forgiven him, and he
will become a great saint. (…)

God almighty
shall exalt a very poor man of the
blood of Emperor Constantine, son of St. Helena, and of the seed of Pepin, (i.e, A French King)
who shall on his breast wear a red Cross. Through the power of the Most High he shall confound
the tyrants, the heretics, and infidels. He will gather a grand army,
and the angels shall fight for
them; they shall kill all God's enemies. (…)
From the beginning of
the world, after the creation of
man, and to the end of human generations, there have been and there shall be seen wonderful
events upon the earth. Four hundred years shall not pass when his
Divine Majesty shall visit the
world with a new religious order much needed, which shall effect more
good among men than all other
religious institutions combined. This religious order shall be the
last and the best in the Church; it
shall proceed with arms, with prayer, and with hospitality. Woe to
tyrants, to heretics, and to
infidels, to whom no pity shall be shown, because such is the will of
the most high! An infinite number of
wicked men shall perish through the hands of the Cross-bearers, the true servants of Jesus
Christ. They shall act like good husbandmen when they extirpate
noxious weeds and prickly thistles
from the wheat field. Those holy servants of God shall purify the
earth with the deaths of
innumerable wicked men. The head and captain of these holy servants
of God shall be one of your
posterity and he shall be the great reformer of the Church of God.
How spiritually blind are those
persons who, having no thought about things of God, fix their end in earthly objects. Wretched
men! by far worse than the very beasts which are guided by their
sense, because they cannot reason,
they become brutalized. Hence they shall ever be in confusion. Let, therefore, the princes of
this world be prepared for the greatest scourges to fall upon them.
But from whom? First from heretics
and infidels, then from the holy and most faithful Cross-bearers
elected by the Most High, who, not
succeeding in converting the heretics with science, shall have to
make vigorous use of their arms.
Many cities and villages shall be in ruins, with the deaths of an innumerable quantity of bad
and good men. The infidels also shall fight against Christians and heretics, sacking,
destroying, and killing the largest portion of Christians. Lastly,
the army, styled "of the Church,"
namely, the holy Cross-bearers, shall move, not against Christians or
Christianity, but against those infidels
in pagan countries, and they shall conquer all those kingdoms with
the death of a very great number
of infidels. After this they shall turn their victorious arms against
bad Christians, and destroy all
the rebels against Jesus Christ. These holy Cross-bearers shall reign
and dominate holily over the
world until the end of time... But when shall this take place? When
crosses with the stigmas shall be
seen, and the crucifix shall be carried as the standard. (…)

commandments who with new
and false doctrines will attempt to corrupt mankind and turn men
against the ministers of
God’s worship. The same chastisement is due for all obstinate
sinners, but
not to those who sin through
weakness because these being converted doing penance and amending the conduct of their life
shall find the divine mercy of the Most High full of kindness towards
them. O holy Cross Bearers of the
Most High Lord, how very pleasing you will be to the great God much more than the children of
Israel! God will through your instrumentality work more wonderful prodigies than he has ever
done before with any nation. You shall destroy the sect of Mahomet
(Islam) and all infidels of every kind
and and of every sect. You shall put an end to all the heresies of
the world by extinguishing all
tyrants. You will remove every cause of complaint by establishing a
universal peace which shall last until
the end of time. You will work the sanctification of mankind. O Holy Men: People blessed of the
Most Holy Trinity! Your victorious founder shall triumph over the world, the flesh and the
Devil. (…)
One of your posterity shall achieve greater deeds and
work greater wonders than your
lordship (your Lordship: Simeon de Limena, Lord of Monalto). That man (the leader of the
Crucifers) will be a great sinner in his youth, but like St. Paul he
will be drawn and converted to God. He
shall be the founder of a new religious order different from all the
others. He shall divide it into
three classes, namely: (1) Military knights, (2) Solitary priests,
(3) most pious hospitalliers. This shall be
the last religious order of the Church, and it will do more good for
our holy religion than all other
religious institutes. By force of arms he shall take possession of a
great kingdom. He shall destroy
the sect of Mahomet, extirpate all tyrants and heresies. He shall
bring the world to a holy mode of
life. There will be one fold and one shepherd. He shall reign until
the end of time. On the whole, in
the whole earth there shall be only twelve kings, one emperor, one
pope. Rich gentlemen shall be few,
but all saints. (…)
May Jesus Christ be praised and blessed for He has vouched to grant to me a
poor unworthy sinner the spirit of prophecy not in an obscure way as to His other servants, but
has enabled me to write and to speak in a most clear manner. I know
that unbelieving and reprobate
persons will scoff at my letters and will reject them; but they will
be received by those catholic
souls who aspire to the possession of heaven. These letters shall
infuse such sweetness of divine
love in their hearts that they will be delighted in perusing them
often and in taking copies of them
because such is the will of the Most High. In these letters it will
be found out who belongs to our
blessed Lord Jesus Christ and who does not, who is a predestinate or
a reprobate. Much better will
this be known through the holy sign of the living God. He shall be a saint of God who will take
it, love it and wear it.” (Rev R. Gerald. Culleton, The Prophets
and Our Times, Tan books and
Publishers, 1941. pp. 157-162)
Some doubt the authenticity
of the letter, however, the prophecies attributed to St. Paola align
completely with the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a stigmatist
and prophetic mystic approved by her local bishop in 1875. (Image right, Marie-Julie Jahenny)

Most important, she had a
telling version about this sign of predestination in accepting God's
plan of restoring the monarchy through the Great Monarch.

The 'lily' represents the fleur de lis of France, the symbol of the French monarchy, and is also referred to a symbol of the Great Monarch in many of her visions. (Image: Royal Coat of Arms of the Fleur de Lis, from a ceilling at Versailles).
However, Marie-Julie Jahenny was not afraid of the demon's threats against the Great Monarch but rejoiced in that she was not like the Evil One, exclaiming: "Satan does not love the King. Ah! I am not like him (Satan) because I love him! (The Great Monarch.)”
Therefore, those who
refuse to be like Satan will love the Great Monarch and will rejoice
in the restoration of the monarchical regime.
In fact, April 20, 1874,
Heaven warned Marie-Julie that democracy was from Hell itself:

then announced the return of the white flag, the fleur de ly. That
is, the Royal Standard of the Kings of France. The fleur de lys was
the royal symbol, and also a symbol of purity. (Image left: the Royal Standard of the French Kings. White Flag with Fleur de Lis)
Of interest, allegedly the
Holy Souls of Purgatory also gave a similar message to the mystic
Maria Simma of Austria. They told her democracy was not a
God-given right. (Get Us Out of Here! An Interview with Maria Simma by Nicky Eltz.)
Sr. Marie Lataste (1822-1847) a mystic in France was told by Our Lord that His royal friendship lies on France:
Our Lord: "The first king, the first sovereign, of France is I Myself. I am the Lord of all peoples, nations, kingdoms, empires, dominions; but I am specially the Master of France. I give her prosperity, greatness, power, above all other nations, when she is faithful in hearkening to My voice. I raise her princes above all other princes of the earth when they are faithful in hearkening to My voice. I have chosen France, to give her to My Church as her daughter of predilection. (...) Well, My daughter, I say it to the honour and the glory of your country, for ages France defended and protected My Church ; she was My instrument, full of life, the visible and indestructible bulwark which I gave to My Church to protect her against her enemies. From the height of Heaven I protected her, herself, her kings, and their subjects"
Our Lord continues, saying France refused God's choice for a king and picked evil rulers of her own choosing. However, Our Lord promised that what has been rejected will one day be accepted again - an indication that Christ will restore the abosolute monarchy in France and that it will fulfill its mission -- to defend the Church. (See Sr. Marie Lataste's revelations about France, click here.)
Our Lord: "The first king, the first sovereign, of France is I Myself. I am the Lord of all peoples, nations, kingdoms, empires, dominions; but I am specially the Master of France. I give her prosperity, greatness, power, above all other nations, when she is faithful in hearkening to My voice. I raise her princes above all other princes of the earth when they are faithful in hearkening to My voice. I have chosen France, to give her to My Church as her daughter of predilection. (...) Well, My daughter, I say it to the honour and the glory of your country, for ages France defended and protected My Church ; she was My instrument, full of life, the visible and indestructible bulwark which I gave to My Church to protect her against her enemies. From the height of Heaven I protected her, herself, her kings, and their subjects"
Our Lord continues, saying France refused God's choice for a king and picked evil rulers of her own choosing. However, Our Lord promised that what has been rejected will one day be accepted again - an indication that Christ will restore the abosolute monarchy in France and that it will fulfill its mission -- to defend the Church. (See Sr. Marie Lataste's revelations about France, click here.)
No wonder Satan hates 'The Lilly', the Great Monarch of France!
As requested by Heaven through Marie-Julie Jahenny, please pray for the coming of the Great Monarch and the restoration of the throne of France. As we can see, the Church and the True Faith cannot be restored without them and the promised Angelic Pontiff.
Find out more:
The Great Catholic Monarch and 'Angelic' Pontiff Prophecies: A general timeline of what we can expect and includes the prophecies of the saints, mystics, doctors of the Church, approved apparitions and generally accepted sources. I'm also finding out which prophecies are fake. (Blog is a work in progress, check back for new updates.)
"We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny": Free e-book. Contains all the Great Monarch prophecies of the other mystics in addition to Marie-Julie Jahenny's visions.
The Great Catholic Monarch and 'Angelic' Pontiff Prophecies: A general timeline of what we can expect and includes the prophecies of the saints, mystics, doctors of the Church, approved apparitions and generally accepted sources. I'm also finding out which prophecies are fake. (Blog is a work in progress, check back for new updates.)
"We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny": Free e-book. Contains all the Great Monarch prophecies of the other mystics in addition to Marie-Julie Jahenny's visions.
“Marie-Julie of the Crucifix: Stigmatist and Prophet”: Free e-book, a concise version. Also explores the identity of the 'Miracle Child', Henri V of the Cross, the Great Monarch.
“Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies”, Free e-book: explores how JRR Tolkien may have been
influenced by these prophecies. Also includes sections why modern democracy is abhorrent to
God, and why the French monarchy is important.
"Marie-Julie Jahenny: Prophecies for Our Times--a Blog" - you can also read her propheches here. (Texts can be explored through searchable tags, also some posts contain history and background info not found in the book "We Are Warned". Ths too is a work in progress, so check back for updates.)
"Marie-Julie Jahenny: Prophecies for Our Times--a Blog" - you can also read her propheches here. (Texts can be explored through searchable tags, also some posts contain history and background info not found in the book "We Are Warned". Ths too is a work in progress, so check back for updates.)
I always appreciate your writing.
ReplyDeleteand I have a question.
Is the Grand Monarch and Angel Pope a distinct person? Or is it the same person?
Aw, thank you!
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question: the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff are / will be two different individuals. According to the prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny in addition to other mystics, Our Lady will be granted the honour of declaring the time of the Great Monarch and will send him to rescue the Angelic Pope who will be held captive and suffering all kinds of persecution in Rome. Once he is freed, the Pope will crown the king Holy Roman Emperor. He will be the last and greatest of the French kings and Holy Roman Emperors. France shall never lose the Faith and will reign until the end of time. Through the Great Monarch France is destined to establish the Age of Peace and the reign of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
ReplyDeleteThe arrival of the Antichrist is possible as Christians have grown lax during the prosperous Age of Peace and will begin to doubt the Faith. The earth will grow evil again and become doubly corrupt - the last Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul
ReplyDelete“The one who waits, it is the one that they call the miracle child. This kingdom has not yet known his name, but much later it will know the depths of his heart. He is reserved for the great epochs.”
ReplyDelete“The days of exile will still have been hard and cost dearly to this faithful King, Catholic, but he will be most greatly rewarded. Let them say and affirm to men that he will never return. Listen to them and ask them if they are prophets!”
ReplyDeleteOur Lord again warned: (January 4, 1884) “There will be three days of physical darkness. For three days less one night, there will be a continual night. The blessed wax candles will be the only ones that give light in this terrible darkness: only one will suffice for three days, but in the homes of the wicked, they will not give any light.
ReplyDeleteIMPORTANT: This warning posted above is from the prophecies fo Marie-Julie Jahenny - NOTE: she also warned the blessed candles MUST be 100% full wax (beeswax) with no other material mixed in them or THEY WILL NOT LIGHT.
DeleteNOTICE - Whoever is spamming this article with YouTube video links that have NOTHING to do with this post, they will be removed. Unreleated Spam comments are not permitted here.
ReplyDeleteNobody gives a fuck about the Great Monarch. I got my own problems
ReplyDeleteApparently, you don't have enough problems to handle that you have the time to leave profanity on my blog. Strange action from someone claiming to be Catholic in their blogger bio.
DeleteVictoria populi
ReplyDeleteThe Return of the King is nigh, all enemies of Christ will be crushed!